Now I haven't watched The Carson Daly Show (if that's even what it's called) in, I think, four years and four years ago I think I only saw one episode. Nevertheless, isn't/wasn't The Carson Daly Show a late night talk show? This piece feels like Carson's horribly misguided application to Dateline or some shit.

On Jennings, though: I love the way he's coming into the league. He's like that friend in high school who went off to the marines, did/saw some unspeakable shit, then came back only to party harder than ever before.
Also, does anyone feel like this kid might have some greatness in him? He's entering the draft with Kobe-esque audacity, but with a way sweet haircut. Not that the amount audacity you display before the draft is any indication of future success, I'm just excited by his excitement.